Linear Regression: Jupyter Notebook


Reading Data

Using read_csv() from pandas, read data into dataframe. If your data happens to be in a M$ Excel file, then there is also a read_excel() function.

import pandas as pd
dataset = pd.read_csv('./history_data.csv')

Relationship Between pandas.DataFrame and numpy.ndarray

See how a DataFrame holds values using numpy.ndarray.

array([['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 0.0, nan, 'Clear'],
       ['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 0.0, nan, 'Clear'],
       ['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 0.0, 87.77, 'Clear'],
       ['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 23.3, 74.96, 'Clear'],
       ['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 14.3, 70.33, 'Clear'],
       ['New York', 'New York', nan, ..., 0.0, 84.26, 'Clear']],

For convenience, pandas.DataFrame provides many attributes from the underlying numpy.ndarray.

Two dimensional array …


… extending such and such cell in each direction …

(72, 16)
(72, 16)

DataFrame.describe() is convenient for interactive use in a Jupyter notebook, just like many other methods.

Resolved Address Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature Temperature Wind Chill Heat Index Precipitation Snow Depth Wind Speed Wind Gust Cloud Cover Relative Humidity
count 0.0 72.000000 72.000000 72.000000 0.0 22.000000 72.000000 0.0 72.000000 65.000000 72.000000 38.000000
mean NaN 82.995833 70.688889 76.287500 NaN 91.327273 0.012222 NaN 12.690278 20.470769 3.369444 72.513421
std NaN 5.946106 5.574023 5.313256 NaN 5.994536 0.070695 NaN 6.025980 8.302423 7.214825 12.665492
min NaN 69.900000 53.300000 61.500000 NaN 82.400000 0.000000 NaN 2.200000 4.700000 0.000000 46.090000
25% NaN 79.050000 68.900000 74.300000 NaN 87.050000 0.000000 NaN 9.100000 15.000000 0.000000 66.377500
50% NaN 83.750000 71.950000 76.650000 NaN 89.750000 0.000000 NaN 12.800000 19.700000 0.000000 72.330000
75% NaN 87.950000 74.325000 79.850000 NaN 95.950000 0.000000 NaN 15.425000 25.300000 2.825000 81.715000
max NaN 92.900000 80.700000 85.800000 NaN 101.600000 0.470000 NaN 38.000000 50.600000 34.500000 96.970000

Extracting Input and Output Features from a pandas.DataFrame

Beware that algorithms expect a two dimensional array as the set of inputs. Using the column header (“Minimum Temperature”) to index the dataframe gives a list-like type. Wrong!!

inputfeatures = dataset['Minimum Temperature']
0     53.3
1     58.7
2     60.2
3     66.8
4     68.3
67    70.1
68    72.2
69    72.1
70    75.5
71    78.2
Name: Minimum Temperature, Length: 72, dtype: float64

Correction: index the dataframe with a list of column headers

inputfeatures = dataset[['Minimum Temperature']]

Sign of correctness: that one is made up more nicely by the notebook:

Minimum Temperature
0 53.3
1 58.7
2 60.2
3 66.8
4 68.3
... ...
67 70.1
68 72.2
69 72.1
70 75.5
71 78.2

72 rows × 1 columns

Likewise, the output features.

outputfeatures = dataset[['Maximum Temperature']]

Plotting with matplotlib

Fortunately (well, that was on purpose), our feature sets are one dimensional, so plotting the dataset im two dimensions makes sense. Multidimensional data analysis is not so straightforward - this is why they call it data science.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pandas.DataFrame interacts nicely with matplotlib.

dataset.plot(x='Minimum Temperature', y='Maximum Temperature', style='o')
plt.title('Min/Max Temperature')

Data Splicing: Split into Training and Test Data

Before creating the model (from an algorithm and a dataset), we prepare the dataset * 80% for training * 20% for testing/verification

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
input_train, input_test, output_train, output_test = \
     train_test_split(inputfeatures, outputfeatures, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)

Creating the Model: Algorithm + Training Data

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

Initially, the model is the algorithm

model = LinearRegression()

Next, we feed it the training data

model =, input_train)

Model is complete; see the parameters of the linear interpolation (would need theory to better understand):


Verify the Model

We saved 20% of the dataset for verification. * Use the model to predict the output for the input test data. * Compare prediction to actual output test set

output_predicted = model.predict(input_test)

Here we (ab)use a pandas.DataFrame to nicely format actual output test data and predicted output side by side.

Note that input_test is a pd.DataFrame, but output_predicted is a numpy.ndarray.

Reason:model.predict() is happy with anything that supports indexing (thanks to duck typing - we gave it a Dataframe), but its output is always a numpy.ndarray

pd.DataFrame({'Actual': output_test.values.reshape((15,)),
              'Predicted': output_predicted.reshape((15,))})

Actual Predicted
0 80.0 71.9
1 84.9 73.1
2 91.1 75.8
3 80.0 72.6
4 78.2 65.9
5 92.0 72.6
6 78.2 61.4
7 92.0 77.6
8 85.4 71.7
9 80.1 78.2
10 92.9 76.2
11 85.4 72.2
12 87.2 69.0
13 90.0 72.2
14 83.6 69.5

Comparing the actual and predicted values, we can see that they are “not far off”. Whatever this means - in a real data science world (this is only the surface), we would now have to use advanced statistical methods to actually measure the term “not far off”.

But this is left to data scientists. Our job is to create correct programs, and to keep those maintainable.